April 30. This is such an important date for me. Two years ago on this date I walked into Orangetheory Fitness terrified. I was 85 pounds heavier. I had only walked on the treadmill for a few months before that. I had no idea if I could endure interval training. The friend that invited me texted me assuring me I would not die. The reality was death was not my fear. Looking silly. That was my fear. Standing out as the fat girl one more time in my life. That was the fear. I went in the door anyway a nervous wreck. What met me under the orange glow was completely not what I expected. A trainer who cheered me on and celebrated every little thing I could do....and when I say little. I mean little. Like 5 pound bicep curls.
In those days I had a mantra that I used with my trainers when a new exercise came up. I would look at them and say,"I can't." My favorite trainer would patiently smile and say,"You can. You just don't know you can." Over time I would learn there were many things in life I simply said,"I can't" to. My mindset started to change as I found that same trainer laughing at me during the weights and putting heavier and heavier dumbbells in my hands as time progressed. My rows became faster, and I began to run. Pretty soon my clothes became looser and I found I really could do so much I never dreamed I could. Then it happened. An injury. A terrible injury. What would later be pieced together as a stress fracture of my left hip that came apart requiring surgery threatened to stop me. Through the devastation of a large operation and hospitalization last February I found myself listening to the new voice in my head. "You can. You just don't know you can". I learned at that point fitness can be maintained even without the use of the left leg. Ten days post op I crutched it into the regular gym with the help of my son and favorite training partner. I fought off the cardiac rehab patients on the arm bike and had him help me to the ground to work the core until I could get back to OTF late last March. Now, I am exactly 566 Orangetheory classes into my training. I still find new challenges each and every day there and find ways to show myself once again I can beat that old me that lived in the prison of obesity for decades.
So, at this point I get asked all the time how my life has changed since becoming this person. My earliest blogs talk about what set me on this journey. It was the harsh realization that there were those in my life who benefited from me being obese or somehow less. These were people that mattered a lot to me at the time. I had to take the leap and ask myself what was the worst thing that would happen if I wasn't? The answer was they would exit my life. Yes. That has happened to a degree. However what was waiting for me on the other side of the prison of obesity was far more valuable.
Making this journey public has afforded me the ability to see that the prison I lived in is far too common. Orangetheory taught me that fighting through the prison break took more than just me. It took people who believed in me when I could not. As friends and acquaintances have reached out to find out my secret to being a size 2 Spartan racer at 47 I have been able to share the secret is three things. First, getting out of your own way, second losing sight of the comfort zone and third realizing you are not alone. Not by a long shot. Thus, the concept of Team 1DOS came into being. Little by little my friends and acquaintances needing fitness help and motivation banded together forming a glorious team of sharks fighting the good fight one day, one little decision at a time. We now stand about 40 strong adding new baby sharks each day. Making this now deemed, Mama Shark proud each and every day.
Finally, the most important thing I have learned is this is not a destination. Years ago I would try to hang success on a number in the scale or the size of my pants. The old "if I could just be a size....then I would be happy". Well being healthy and fit is not a destination. It is a constant work in progress the setting of new goals and daring to dream so big even you begin to think you might be a bit crazy....until you reach that dream and it is time for something new. In 2017, my goals are running 1000 miles and completing a Spartan Race of every length. The coveted trifecta.
Looking back at the last two years fills me with the anticipation of what the next two years might hold for not only me but my amazing sharks making up Team 1DOS. Once again, standing firm in my belief that the best is yet to come.
To my faithful followers....sorry about the long hiatus. I was busy building the team which is always looking for new baby sharks ready to grab life by the reigns and take a ride.....