As a mom of five, I can attest to that each child is unique. This child though, he is apart from the rest. He approaches his interests with a laser like focus. Early in elementary school he was into animals. He could spout off what kind of ears an Indian Elephant had verses an Asian. Later, he got so into airplanes he could tell you the name of every control on the panel and what they did by the time he was 8. More recently, he decided to play the piano. YouTube and practice and suddenly after a month or two Chopin erupted from my front living room. That's just him. Takes his brilliant mind and grabs hold and becomes a master in no time.
When you're down and they're counting
When your secrets all found out
When your troubles take to mounting
When the map you have leads you to doubt
When there's no information
And the compass turns to nowhere that you know well
When your secrets all found out
When your troubles take to mounting
When the map you have leads you to doubt
When there's no information
And the compass turns to nowhere that you know well
-Sting,"Let Your Soul be Your Pilot"
That is, to clarify, a master in his interests. By fifth grade, I would find myself in IEP meetings as he could not seem to focus on school the way he did other things. He could tell you how to calibrate an altimeter yet without a lot of support could not pass fourth grade math. It didn't make sense. He was not a lazy child. He did not seem to have learning problems, but for whatever reason, he just couldn't do it. School was not his interest like planes were, it was a stressful unchartered territory for him that led to failure after failure.
When the doctors failed to heal you
When no medicine chest can make you well
When no counsel leads to comfort
When there are no more lies they can tell
No more useless information
And the compass spins
The compass spins between heaven and hell
When no medicine chest can make you well
When no counsel leads to comfort
When there are no more lies they can tell
No more useless information
And the compass spins
The compass spins between heaven and hell
To the doctor we went. He was anxious. He didn't sleep. He had headaches and vomited from time to time. He would get so overwhelmed with school he would literally shut down. My little brilliant man could somehow not see his own abilities and apply who he was to this big hairy beast known as school. Medications were tried, each with it's own side effects. There were tics from the stimulants, vomiting from the norepinephrine uptake inhibitors and sleepiness from the clonidine. He was given lots of diagnoses, none that really fit him well. Nobody seemed to know how to help him other than adding more staff to his team to literally pull him along, so he could advance to the next grade.
Let your pain be my sorrow
Let your tears be my tears too
Let your courage be my model
That the north you find will be true
Let your tears be my tears too
Let your courage be my model
That the north you find will be true
As a mom, I can truly say there is nothing more painful than watching your child spiral around with no real answers when all you truly want is success for them. Last year, finally, a special teacher would enter his life. She met him exactly where he was. She shared his love of music and used that as a spring board to apply to his day to day school activities. She helped him to see the victories and realize that although he was not like most kids his age, he was wildly special in his own right. She helped him to find direction and a way out of the spiraling mysterious maze that had held him hostage for so long. Little successes led to bigger successes, and the confidence snowballed as he realized he needed none of what was offered before, only the ability to count on his own soul to pilot his way. A month ago, he entered high school. My little Russian cherib suddenly more grown up than I care to admit, has been texting me from school regularly excitedly reporting the A on his math test, or the A on his French quiz, all without special education support or medications.
Let your soul be your pilot
Let your soul guide you
Let your soul guide you
Let your soul guide you
Upon your way
Let your soul guide you
Let your soul guide you
Let your soul guide you
Upon your way
This whole experience with my middle son has made me wonder how many times we enter difficult situations and shut down because after a few stumbles, as we don't seem to believe we have the right skills to navigate through? How many times do we give up and let outside forces try to pull us along, as fear has blinded us to our own abilities? I think the challenge is to find those people who are willing to help us see who we really are and allow them to introduce us to own own skill set so we can truly learn to trust our souls to pilot us upon our way. As for my middle son, despite growing like a weed at 14, I can honestly say, he walks a little taller these days. He speaks with confidence about school and helping other struggling students learn from his journey. When his face lights up after all he has conquered its easy for me to see, the best is truly yet to come.